Comics, character design and digital illustration are the languages behind Proxima, a project designed to support local artists, bring out a new generation of talents and build in Matera (and Basilicata) a reference reality for communication through images. The beating heart of every Proxima event is the exhibition, dedicated to an artist and a specific theme: a genre, a narrative world or an upcoming editorial product. The location may change according to needs and will host, for the entire duration of the exhibition, meetings with the author, talks and of course a rich offer of gadgets.

Team members are constantly looking for writers and designers to collaborate with. In fact, in the future of Proxima, there are also comics and exclusive publications, a shared universe of stories set in the hinterland of Matera.
Scheduled for the end of 2021, the launch event is called TECH · NOIR (from the night club made famous by James Cameron in his Terminator). The cyberpunk themed exhibition will feature Arturo Lauria, comic artist for Sergio Bonelli Editore, Edizioni Inkiostro, Dark Horse and Top Cow. Born in 1988 and originally from Latronico (Potenza), Lauria is genius and recklessness, a rebel of the ninth art capable of challenging the viewer and accompanying him in very dense, powerful and fully authorial visual suggestions.
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